Corpse Run 632: The Game of Life
Apologies again for not having a strip on Monday. All week we were building up to and prepping for Open House which takes quite a long time. By the end of the day Sunday I was totally dead and hit my bed like a ton of bricks.
Things are still ramping up though! Camp camp camp camp.
Things like:
- kids being their wacky selves
- counselors being even wackier
- paperwork paperwork paperwork
- more paperwork
- even more paperwork after that
- phone calls
- paperwork
- more phone calls
- kids and counselors having a huge water balloon fight
Normally I’d enjoy that last one, but… you know, paperwork.
This is fine.
Sounds like you have some paperwork to do. It’d be a shame….if someone added some more
… I don’t get the first panel.