Corpse Run 479: The streets of Meltokyo
Merry Christmas!
I’m once again coming to you LIVE from my hometown house on Christmas eve!
I’m also super tired right now, so I’ll make this quick: I hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday, and hopefully no one gets Zelos’ed and meets a creepy little kid on the hard hard streets of Meltokyo.
Seriously, where did she get a dark bottle?
Spooky! Weird!
Its christmas brah. Is it chilling?
Heads up. ZeldaInformer is using your comics. It could be bad or good depending on your viewpoint, but I thought you would know.
BTW Tales of symphonia?! Wao. I’m surprised people still know that game. I’ve been on a quest to find it.
Wait. I meant tales of phantasia. I always confuse the two. Symphonia was a juvenile mess with weird controls and bad voice acting I couldn’t get into.
Sorry to be so Cold. bwa ha ha