Corpse Run 1,073: Finders keepers
I miiiiiight spend a lot of the early stages of levels grabbing chests before heading to the teleporter in Risk of Rain 2, getting more than my fair share of the loot in the process when I play with Rich. Now, this is more like basic handicapping since he’s much better than me at the game and even when I’m fully decked out in more gear I’ll still be the one dying over and over again…
…but darn do I look hawt.
It’s more about optimizing the timer, especially on Monsoon difficulty.
As a general rule, the higher mobility characters should try to get the most out of reach chests, and the low mobility characters should get the chests closer to them.
And I see huntress has a fungus on them in your comic. Taking that instead of giving that to the engineer should allow me to friendly fire your ass.