Yeah yeah, I know that the crucifixion happens on Friday as opposed to Easter… but it’s more fun to draw a crucified bunny!
Kat's Korner
So Jackie just made the coolest thing ever: a knit Katamari that has magnets in it. This baby actually picks up metallic objects as it rolls around which is super awesome. Gaze upon it, GAZE I SAY!
So it’s a friend’s birthday, and she comically lamented that, despite her vocalized request for one all these years, she has never received a pony as a gift. WELL, THAT’S ABOUT TO CHANGE! Bam! Pony. This Kathryn is not the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So I fudged the Enneagram personality test doodle last week… I was supposed to take my score and then draw the accompanying character type on another list. Oops! So, my score represents the Knight, so here I am as a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Jackie was at her parent’s over the weekend and apparently they were cleaning some stuff out of the house. Among some of the items were a WW2 knife and dress sword that belonged to her grandfather, which she awesomely brought[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
In the forums I was asked to take a personality test and then draw a representation of the result. According to the test, I am a super worried, nervous guy… Seems accurate, I guess =P
So I’m looking at tablets, chances are I’m going to buy one for work… gonna have a new job and whatnot… oh mans! WHICH TO GET? OR TO GET ONE AT ALL?