Since my computer is in the shop, and my laptop is a nightmare to use for drawing and such, here are some photos for Kat’s Korner! If you remember this strip, here are actual photos from my journey to the train.
Kat's Korner
So I went to the Apple store for my 2a.m. appointment; decided to take a pic of my computer at the absolutely empty 59th street subway station. According to the store, my computer will be gone for about a week.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Every so often, I’ll have a comic that references my job… my odd hours job. Sometimes I’m getting up before the crack of dawn, sometimes I’m coming home just before the crack of dawn. Fun times, to be sure. So here’s a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I really loved penguins growing up. Penguin posters, penguin books, penguin stuffed animals, you name it. Once I got to college, however, one of my roomies really loved penguins, daresay more than I, so I ceded the penguin crown to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
When Kat asked me to draw the Whale-o-copter, she specifically asked me to make it in black and white so she could print it out at work. I’ve gotta say, I had a lot of fun doodling in b&w. I think the majority[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So my computer is in a state of flux; sometimes it wants to work with me, other times its like, “hey Alex, F#@( YOU.” Fortunately, my computer cooperated with me just long enough to doodle out this mouse. If I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The computer is acting up again. Really, I think I’m through with Macs. Fortunately, even if I can’t fix this piece of junk, I’ll be able to salvage basically all of the parts to make a PC out of it.
So, Corpse Run is a little over a year old, to which I say, “Neat-O!” Something that only a few people really knows, however, was what life was like when the strip began. My families home had flooded about a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’ve been getting some questions recently as to how I put the strip together, so what better way to explain than by showing off the first step of the process: The Sketch. The image above is from comic 091: Aint he[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…