Corpse Run 270: Oral
Alrighty, the next stream will be this Friday, December 21st, 2012 at 10pm est! Chances are this will be the last stream of the year, as the following week will have holiday/new years stuff going on.
See you then!
So I went to see my dentist again this week, which prompted the comic. My dentist, who I refer to as “Randy” here in the blog posts, actually asked me if I had ever done a strip about going to the dentist. I told him that I hadn’t, but that I would make one.
I guess today’s strip goes out to Randy, the most neat-o of all the dentists out there!
For anyone who’s been through the archives and has a really good memory, one of the few times I’ve ever mentioned my dentist was in this post, where I tell the story of the electric scalpel, a tool that requires the patient be grounded to prevent electric shock.
Also, the dentist has to ask if the patient has a pacemaker, cause… you know, electricity and stuff.
Anyways, fast forward to a few days ago and once again, I’m super fortunate enough to have my gums growing into places where they shouldn’t be and then need to be cut out. Awesome.
“I think I know the answer to this already,” started Randy, “but I have to ask. Do you have a pacemaker?”
“No, but I think I know what you’re going to do next,” I replied.
Just like the time before, Randy produced a grounding pad and placed it under my shoulder. He rummaged around doing some prep work, took a look in my mouth and…
“Yeah, I can’t use the electric scalpel.”
The moment I asked him why it immediately dawned on me: he was cutting tissue away in the area of a dental implant that I have, which is all metal. I then figured that he would have to do things the old fashioned way and cut me up with a… not… electric scalpel.
Also known as a scalpel. The benefit of the electric one was that the blood coagulates quickly, so there’s no mess. A regular scalpel, on the other hand…
After mentally preparing for a fun, blood filled adventure, it came to my attention that Randy was no longer in the room and hadn’t been for a few minutes. Just as I started looking around, he popped back in with a metal box featuring some dials and a thin tool connected to it with a wire.
“What’s that?” I asked.
“This is a laser.” said Randy.
That’s right, folks, I had my mouth cut up with a laser. That’s futuristic right there.
There was another time my dentist came up in a post, which can be found here. To recap that post quickly, I had an impression taken of my mouth, which in addition to creating a mould of my teeth, splattered white goo all over my face. I then told Randy that I must look like I was in a porno shoot, and Randy wasn’t all that thrilled with my assessment of the situation.
Well, I needed another impression done this week and, perhaps remembering what happened the last time, Randy opted for a purple goo mixture as opposed to the whitish one.
This time, I really wanted to say that now looked as if I were in a sci-fi porno, but decided against it.
A missed opportunity.
More like last live stream of the world! I’ll have to finally watch it.
Hygienists floss so violently I don’t think flossing daily would help. Seriously, there’s no winning.
you are not funny
Thanks! You’re super too!
Whenever they ask if I floss, I always say no, I hate it T-T
I brush and use mouth wash but I refuse to floss…
PS: You should’ve done the sci-fi porno bit xD