Corpse Run 358: Would smell as sweet
Alrighty, the next livestream is this Friday, October 25th at 9pm est! I’ll be doodling your suggestions, and will continue the Tales of Symphonia playthrough afterwards!
Were we last left off in the game, some major, spoiler-y type stuff went down… where will Lloyd and the gang end up next? Find out on Friday!
You can view the stream either here or here.
See you then!
Most of you are probably aware of this already, but in my world, no game is ever too old to have a comic made about it.
Especially games as stellar as Final Fantasy 9, which happens to be my favorite in the series.
For those of you who haven’t had the pleasure of playing the game; very early on, the freshly kidnapped Princess Garnet comes to the realization that if she’s going to be wandering outside the castle, it’d be in her best interests to adopt a fake identity.
After picking up a dagger dropped by the thief/actor/ladies-man/contracted-kidnapper Zidane, she declares her new name to be…
whatever you want it to be.
Seriously, you can actually ‘rename’ Princess Garnet “Garnet.” You’d figure the game would have a set of dialogue in which Zidane chides the princess for picking the worst possible secret identity and forcing her to choose something else.
Then again, it is in Zidane’s character to let pretty much anything fly, so maybe he would have been ok with it anyway…
On a slight tangent, I just want to say that one of my favorite character relationships in any game I’ve played is that between Zidane and Steiner. This might just be a case of my imagination running away with plain text, but I always felt that the two really hated each other at the beginning of their journey before eventually lightening up… their dislike for each other was so much more than say, Squall and Seifer, who are supposed to be super badass enemies.
Final Fantasy 9, despite all its silly trappings, feels the most human.
End tangent.
Quick story from work:
I was talking to a coworker yesterday about keyboards, and though I don’t remember how, the conversation arrived at Twitter. I saw his account and made a mental note to follow him (which I since have), but when he saw mine, he let out a little laugh.
I’m paraphrasing here, but he said something to the effect of, “Your last name is Di Stasi?”
“Well…” he said, “there’s something interesting about that name…” another coworker overheard us and upon hearing my name, laughed also.
Apparently “Stasi” is/was slang for a politically oppressive German police organization that was dissolved in the early 90’s after decades of illegal acts.
Aren’t I just the luckiest?
Funny fact: The german article for “Stasi” is “die” (feminine btw) so your surname misses only an “e”
My name is getting better and better… =P
It should be noted that the Stasi (STAatsSIcherheit – State Security) operated in Eastern Germany and was dissolved when Germany was reunited. It’s still the political death of any politician in Germany if a connection to the Stasi is uncovered.
I really don’t know how this information never once came up over the course of my life. Even though the name is Italian and shares only a phonetic similarity, I feel like one of the handful of German friends I’ve had would have said something by now.
On the topic of ‘Stasi’ (or StaSi): The name of that police organization was ‘Ministerium für Staatssicherheit’ (Ministry of State Security). It was an official part of the government of the German Democratic Republic (GDR, a.k.a. East Germany) and pretty much regarded Nineteen Eighty-Four as a handbook rather than a novel. Then again, the whole government was leaning that way and the MfS (MoSS) was their version of something like the NSA.
Luckily, I have no first-hand experience there as I was 5 years old when the GDR, its government and Stasi with it got dissolved in 1990, leading to Germany being a single country again.
This was your history lesson for the day
And before I go back to lurking: I really like your comics, even if I know maybe half the inspirational material. Thanks to you explaining the inspiration in the comment, I understand the rest as well (like today’s). And then there’s the tangents, which are an integral part of the Corpse Run experience
I’m learning a heck of a lot today… my name is almost comically evil now. Awesome!
On the second bit, all I can say is thanks for reading! Also, tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent!
Well, to be honest I recognized the resemblance in that case before.
(greetins from good ol germany by the way)
Hadn´t the guts to tell you. ^^
Soooooo. Is that costume contest still a think?
Got a question about that.
Halloween isn´t that big in Germany but “Fasnet/Fasching” is it. (Translate –> carneval??)
Its a Tradition to spook away the ghosts of winter etc. (jan-feb)
Long story short: that time is costum time.
sooo back to the question: Is that valid for the Contest?
(As ever / please excuze za krummy englisch)
The costume contest is certainly still a thing! My plan was to mention it sporadically, and then at every comic update once Halloween got closer. Starting Monday, I’ll make sure to bring it up every time.
And yes, we’ll look at all costumes, whether Halloween/Fasnet/Fasching/etc, so once you’ve got a pic, send it in!
My stasiology is kinda rusty, so I won’t say much about your name, but anyway I really loved Final Fantasy IX (my first one and also my favorite in the series), so it’s been a nice surprise to see a comic about it. I wouldn’t finish mentioning everything I enjoyed in the game, but for sure the confrontation between Zidane and Steiner is very well made.
i would give my left nut for an hd remake of ff9….
You’re last name is related to an old German oppressive police group,
And mine has ‘Dick’ as the first part of my last name. There’s walkways something people bring up about last names….
And trust me, I’ve heard a lot of dick jokes ever since fellow students found out my last name. =_=
Always* freakin auto correct…
After finding out Garnet’s birth name, I always named her Sarah in subsequent playthroughs, if only to be slightly hipster.
For a great movie about guys working in ‘Die Stazi’ you should watch “The Lives of Others”. It’s in German, but you can find it with subtitles. It either won, or almost won an Oscar. It’s really entertaining.
FF9 was always my favorite of the main series, too. ^^ Besides a bunch of the MegaTen series, That and Chrono Cross are my 2 fav games of all time.. Also the 1st Digimon World is somewhere in that mix, too.