The little face in the picture is made out of pipe sealant putty. There’s a fairly long story associated with this, but I’m too tired/dirty/hungry/frustrated to get into it right now. Don’t fret! You’ll hear about it in Thursday’s update![…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Kat's Korner
The folks behind Strip Search, Penny Arcade’s webcomic reality show, have recently suggested that viewers try the elimination challenge at home. The challenge: create a comic strip in 90 minutes based entirely off of two random words. Last week’s words[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I don’t actually know any Browns fans, but when I see them on TV, they always look really bummed out. Hang in there, Browns fans!
The bathroom sink got jealous of the clog in the kitchen sink and decided to join the party. Aside from Mr. Plumber we’ve been jamming a dowel down the drain in the hopes of unclogging it, but so far it[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Something a little bit different for Kat’s Korner today, a sketchy animation! Wooooooooo! Tough break there, Link.
Another Kat’s Korner that was requested by Kat herself! Aardvarks looking at a sing for an AA meeting.
This doode probably doesn’t make much sense, but it’s in honor of today’s episode of Strip Search! If you’re unfamiliar with the show, I highly suggest you check it out here!
Doodle from last week’s livesteam, which can be viewed here! Tons of stuff this time around from you guys; good suggestions, everyone!
So the 2013 NFL schedule came out yesterday, and the Jets’ October/early November slate is pretty brutal: at Falcons, Steelers, Patriots, at Bengals, Saints I don’t wanna sound doom and gloom or anything, but I see five straight losses right[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So I was at a free They Might be Giants concert yesterday with Mike and afterwards, they were signing stuff! I didn’t bring anything in particular for them to sign, but I happened to have this comic in my notebook.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…