Corpse Run 1,024: Cyberpunk’d
So it seems like things have gotten off to a rocky start with Cyberpunk 2077. While I wasn’t planning on jumping into it right away, I know a lot of folks were super excited for its release and it stinks for them that it has largely stumbled out of the gate. That said, I love watching bug compilations and it looks as though Cyberpunk is going to provide entertaining bugs, so… that’s nice I guess.
You know, I dont quite understand the disappointment. Its a cyberpunk (The genre) game. Where you follow a story and help some factions while shoot other factions. Just like Witcher 3 but with guns (IE shooting people). Dont people remember how glitchy all the other CD Poject Red initial releases where? Though I admit that the console versions appear to have the jank of old AAA Wii ports.
My partner preordered the game on GOG and I’m waiting for the patches before playing. So maybe 3 months from now, I’ll get to play around with it. And still keep the preorder goodies. =^.^=
Getting some real deja vu from the No Man’s Sky release here.
honestly Witcher 3 was just as buggy at first as it is currently on next gen and PC. but the last gen console ports? yeah…
that being said despite the problems it IS getting a lot of love on PC. its currently one of the top played games on steam right now still despite everything.
I have a 1070 gtx and a i7 6700K, probably middle to low end pc gaming rig. and it runs really dang good on my end while still looking good. you just gotta fiddle with the settings a little.