Corpse Run 471: This is the tale
First off, Happy Thanksgiving!
Second, I’ve been wanting to do this strip for a while. I first remember rambling off to Jackie about the Dead Poets Society/Captain Phillips mashup around a month or so ago (possibly longer), but while it made me giggle, I put it on the backburner.
Then I remembered this strip. In the blog post, I made mention that there was going to be a FF12 joke initially in there, but I decided to omit it. That FF12 bit was going to be me exclaiming “I’m Captain Basch… fon Ronsenburg… of Dalmasca…”
WHY NOT COMBINE THESE THINGS? Just to add a little to the “captain” nonsense, I also remembered one of the final scenes of Mighty Ducks 2, where Gunnar Stahl, captain of the Iceland Junior Hockey Team, declares that they should shake hands with Team USA. Upon reaching Charlie, he says, “Good work, captain duck!”
I haven’t seen that movie in fifteen years. I don’t know why that quote stuck out to me, maybe I’m a stickler for sportsmanship?
It all added up to a strip that made Jackie giggle when I described it in its completed form, and I was glad to get this one off the shelf!
Happy Thanksgiving! Have a good one 😀
I have no dea whatsoever as to what this comic is about
Three different captain references in a row.