Shamless plug for continuing Resident Evil 7 on Twitch this Friday at around 8:30ish EST!  It continues to be awesome and I super duper recommend that everyone play it.

Rich kicked my butt over the weekend in what was our fourth Ocarina of Time race, but on the plus side, there was a strip that came from it… fun!

On the suuuuuuper negative (and unrelated to OoT) side, my feet have tons of blisters all over them… not fun!







WARNING: blister photo if you scroll down!










This is but one of the blisters that has formed on my feet in the last week or so, but it was really kind of neat looking and though you can’t really see in the photo, it wrapped all around my toe.

I say “was,” by the way, because I decided to lance it.  This thing was sooooooooo pressurized that it shot into my face about a foot or two away.

It was gross, but sooooooooooooooo satisfying.