Kat's Korner
Every once in a while during a commercial break I doodled a bit. Seriously though, doesn’t that Taigo Splitter guy totally look like Robert Pattinson? Maybe not exactly the same, but they could totally pass as brothers.
So… I found some old yearbooks over the weekend, and spotted this picture of me as a high school sophomore. While I totally dig the Ozy and Millie tee, that hair… not so much. On a scale of one to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The doodle from last week’s livestream, which can be viewed here! Naturally, Bill Cosby’s cutie mark would be jell-0.
One of the first games I bought for my GameBoy Advance was Castlevania: Circle of the Moon, which was totally awesome! I decided to replay it recently, so here’s a doodle of good ol’ protagonist Nathan.
I’ve been referencing my summer camp quite a bit recently, so I figured I should show some pics of the place. Both of these shots are from last weekend: one of the lake, and one of the hawks I mentioned[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Just watched some of the press conferences, where numbers like 500 and 400 bucks were tossed around pretty casually. Gaming is not a great hobby for folks with light wallets…
In light of the fact that I’ll be away from the city this weekend, I had to make Monday’s strip in advance. Here’s the sketch of the first two panels… WHAT’S ON THAT PAGE?! The great mystery of our time.
Doodle from last week’s stream, which can be viewed here: part 1, part 2. Man… dodos are the coolest! …and cake is tasty.