Corpse Run 242: Fairy fashionables
Man, Link just can’t catch a break, poor guy…
Despite the fact that I ran out of steam/patience playing Ocarina of Time on my phone, here’s yet another Zelda themed strip! May as well rename the site to Corpse…Zelda… or something.
For anyone who’s been missing out on the livestreams, let me first say that you should totally come check them out for the doodling fun/Q&A/silliness that has been a part of the stream since it’s inception. Just in case you needed a little extra incentive, however, I started playing some games during the stream as well.
A viewer in the channel suggested I check out Slender, a horror/exploration game that, at the totally awesome price of zero dollars, I immediately downloaded. Now, I’m not really one to get freaked out often, but Slender… oh man, it had me shaking in my chair.
Here’s a haphazardly cut up video of my Slender adventure:
If you ever wondered what a genuine Alex scream sounds like, stick around till the end of the video.
Finally, a reader sent me this neat, Obama-Hope Poster image of Alex! Awesome!
People tell me to play that game as well. I’m putting it off until I replace my current clunker of a PC.
It can be run on pretty low settings, so you might be able to give it a go! If not, there are all those super fun reaction videos on Youtube =P
I have 10 year old hardware. I can barely run Firefox at times. Unless this game has a 320 * 200 display mode, I’m not playing it.
On the bright side, I should be upgrading around early to mid October (just in time for my birthday, along with Pokemon Black 2), so I don’t need to miss out too much longer.
You should see how the Slenderman (that’s the bad guy’s name) got into existence. It started out as a photoshop competition, and this made the slenderman idea of a guy with no facial features wearing a suit. He usually abducts children. The fuzziness you’re seeing is because they say the Slenderman has the ability to erase memories as the trend moved on. It’s an interesting read. Here’s a good website about it:
I highly recommend everyone give PaladinLeader’s link a read, super informative, and still a bit spooky.
When I was in middle school, I spent an entire night reading about Slender Man and the Rake, while also looking at pictures. I swear, I was crying tears of fear every time I heard something outside my door. Which of course was closed and locked.
If you like this stuff, you ought to check out the Marble Hornets YouTube channel, if you haven’t already. I think it’s linked on the Know Your Meme site.
Don’t watch it alone at night, though. Unless you like not sleeping.
After my ex and I went on a marathon of that he made me, his (at the time) highly pregnant girlfriend go ahead of him and turn the light on in the bathroom for him, then stay in there while he peed because he was afraid of being alone.
I ALSO had a bald male BJD in a long sleeved black shirt. He made me put him in a box in the closet.
LOL, that video was soooo worth the watch. Dying with laughter
I wish you could have seen me actually freak out; I lunged backwards while throwing my headset as far away from me as possible. It was nothing short of a miracle that I didn’t wet myself.
I’m such an easily scared guy, I’m not sure if I should watch the video
Eh, the video itself is pretty tame, but if you’re jumpy I could totally understand it giving you a bit of a spook at the end.
Love the comic, video, and Hope Poster. The trifecta. (Triforce?)
Glad that today delivered in all phases =P
So I take it you liked Slender better than Amnesia?
Absolutely. Although chances are low that I’ll ever play Slender again.
Getting other people to play it, however… that might happen.
NO! You don’t play Slender! Just…no!
^ This was basically my thought process the entire time *while* playing.
Spoiler alert to those who have not finished game.
*/Spoiling starts here:
Even if you get all 8 pages, he still gets you. So you’re basically delaying the inevitable.
*/Spoiler ends.