Corpse Run 604: Just the Viorst
I picked up the 2013 (I think) Tomb Raider game a while back during a Steam Sale and up until recently it’s done nothing but collect virtual dust in my game library.
This game is some serious fun. I’m digging the combat, Prince of Persia-eqsue climbing, and the odd puzzle every now and then.
Little surprised about the level of gore in this game, on the other hand. I’ve never played a Tomb Raider until now, but I get the feeling that the older games didn’t feature Lara getting shot in the stomach, or crushed with a boulder, or having a metal spike go through her throat, or any of the other random ways you can die in this game.
This is a combination of a action-oriented platformer and Saw.
Then again, I’ve never seen Saw… but I get the feeling it isn’t dissimilar.
That game was quite good, but quite brutal with some of those QTE deaths. I did try playing it in summer, with everything maxed out (including the magical hair physics) and it caused my video cards to overheat pretty regularly (it was those damned hair physics!). Still, a solid game (even if I had to turn off the fancy hair to finish the game)
My only gripe with the game is at the very end of it, but as you’re currently going through it I’ll avoid saying anything more, because I’d hate to be “that guy” (3 years is still new enough to have avoided certain spoilers)
Yeah I can’t call the 2013 one “Tomb Raider” either, for different reasons. Vastly prefer the original Tomb Raider despite the controls not being for everyone. The new one scratched everything that made Tomb Raider… well, Tomb Raider in favor of more shooting, QTE and “character building”.
You can actually get the old ones on Steam too. They’re cheap and go on sale often… But setting up the controls for an actual controller (don’t bother trying to play it with a keyboard) is a pain in the butt.